Will drought events become more frequent and severe in Europe?
From 1.5°C to 2°C global warming nearly doubles the impact of river floods on human lives and economy
Reduced heat exposure and mortality by limiting global warming to 1.5 °C
Extreme sea levels, not socioeconomic changes, are the main driver of Europe’s future coastal flood risk
For ice-free summers in the Arctic 1.5 or 2 °C global warming makes a huge difference
Storm-surge barrier is not enough to protect Venice, experts say
The future of our coastal wetlands may not be that dramatic
Winter snow depths in Europe are decreasing, except for the coldest regions
New perspectives on the global distribution of climate risk. The Netherlands stands out!
Is 1.5°C better or worse than 2°C warming in terms of agricultural impacts? We don’t know!
Do green roofs mitigate stormwater runoff in urban areas?
A new generation of wildfires characterized by extreme behavior
After 2100, decomposition of peatlands will strengthen climate change
Without global warming, current crop yields would have been higher
What are the climate change impacts European Road Authorities have to adapt to?
Expansion of biofuel crops may be more disruptive to food production than climate change itself
Sustainable water consumption for irrigation can feed an additional 2.8 billion people
Heat-related mortality: warmer regions benefit the most from limiting global warming
Drier summers may lead to more flash floods in Scotland
and Northern England
Global implications of 1.5 °C and 2 °C warmer worlds on extreme river flows
Barriers and opportunities in adapting our cultural heritage to climate change risks
If global warming exceeds 1.5°C, the impacts on global terrestrial biodiversity will be substantial
Most World Heritage sites at low-lying Mediterranean coasts at risk from coastal flooding or erosion
Shift of tree species composition European forests reinforces global warming
Global warming will increase wheat, rice and maize crop losses to insect pests
Reaching the targets of the Paris Agreement will not prevent wildfire risk increase in Mediterranean Europe
Latest results for the Danube confirm earlier findings: the rivers’ characteristics will change
Main challenge for Mediterranean region: to increase food production without depleting freshwater resources
On a global scale, landslide hazard doesn't seem to be increasing due to climate change
Is global warming increasing heat-related mortality? Not in Sweden, so far!
Tenfold reduction of global flood risk: it pays of to raise the dikes when sea level rises
Ranking the world on climate security: European countries at the top
Wind power output increases in northern Europe and decreases in the South
What will our summers look like if we do reach the targets of the Paris Agreement?
The early onset of Europe’s mega heat wave of 2017, a sign of things to come?
Warmest night in The Netherlands so far. Extreme summer temperatures are rising - an update
Even if we reach the Paris Agreement targets, droughts will still strongly increase
“North Sea Power Hub” plan to create an artificial island for large scale wind power production
Video footage of cycling race shows the impacts of climate change
Heat waves: the number one natural hazard – an update
Dry, hot and windy weather over northern Europe: beware of wildfires!
New climate law in the Netherlands: ambitions are high!
Changing drought conditions are linked to extreme wildfire events in the northern Mediterranean
Changing late spring frost impacts will reshape the distribution of grapevine varieties in Europe
Reduction European power generation under 1.5°C, 2°C and 3°C warming
Increasing heat stress will strongly reduce labour productivity worldwide
Paris Agreement may have a strong impact on future extreme heat waves
Europe’s road and rail transport more often exposed to landslides this century