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Unprecedented fire activity in the Arctic in recent years due to global warming

Unprecedented fire activity in the Arctic in recent years due to global warming

Mixing signals of different catchments blurs climate-related trends in river floods

Mixing signals of different catchments blurs climate-related trends in river floods

Longer growing seasons will not offset the global drop in crop yields

Longer growing seasons will not offset the global drop in crop yields

At least half of all glaciers will be gone by 2100

At least half of all glaciers will be gone by 2100

Subsidence coastal cities contributes more to relative sea level rise than previously thought

Subsidence coastal cities contributes more to relative sea level rise than previously thought

What is causing increased disaster losses, societal change or climate change?

What is causing increased disaster losses, societal change or climate change?

Coastal flood risk increases much faster than previously thought

Coastal flood risk increases much faster than previously thought

Dryer summers and heavier rainfall: a bad combination

Dryer summers and heavier rainfall: a bad combination

More lightning in the north, less in the south

More lightning in the north, less in the south

The costs of damage of permafrost thawing in the Arctic will be about $200 billion by mid-century

The costs of damage of permafrost thawing in the Arctic will be about $200 billion by mid-century

When sea level rise accelerates, so will the erosion of rock coast cliffs

When sea level rise accelerates, so will the erosion of rock coast cliffs

What high-end sea level rise should we plan for? 1.55 m by 2100, scientists conclude

What high-end sea level rise should we plan for? 1.55 m by 2100, scientists conclude

Health at the mercy of fossil fuels

Health at the mercy of fossil fuels

Rewetting our peatlands not only serves the climate

Rewetting our peatlands not only serves the climate

Vast majority of people exposed to flooding are too poor to protect themselves

Vast majority of people exposed to flooding are too poor to protect themselves

Human interventions in rivers outpace threats from climate change

Human interventions in rivers outpace threats from climate change

Insect biodiversity is changing because of agriculture and climate change

Insect biodiversity is changing because of agriculture and climate change

A flaw in classic approach to flooding: the floods of 2021

A flaw in classic approach to flooding: the floods of 2021

Each summer will last about half a day longer than the previous one

Each summer will last about half a day longer than the previous one

Latest projections of future temperatures over Europe

Latest projections of future temperatures over Europe

More heat stress for cattle, less milk and meat for us

More heat stress for cattle, less milk and meat for us

Tourism and energy of southern European islands are vulnerable for climate change

Tourism and energy of southern European islands are vulnerable for climate change

Climate extremes have already changed over Europe

Climate extremes have already changed over Europe

Heat exposure outdoor workers already leads to productivity loss of 1.7 per cent of GDP

Heat exposure outdoor workers already leads to productivity loss of 1.7 per cent of GDP

Multi-century sea level rise may lead to unprecedented threats to coastal cities

Multi-century sea level rise may lead to unprecedented threats to coastal cities

Frequency of extreme sea levels will increase dramatically in many parts of the world’s coasts

Frequency of extreme sea levels will increase dramatically in many parts of the world’s coasts

Future increase of heat stress productivity losses relatively low in Europe

Future increase of heat stress productivity losses relatively low in Europe

Trees can cool European cities up to 12 °C on a hot day

Trees can cool European cities up to 12 °C on a hot day

Wildfire smoke particles can be deadly, and climate change will increase health risk

Wildfire smoke particles can be deadly, and climate change will increase health risk

Wine quality and global warming: When will winners become losers?

Wine quality and global warming: When will winners become losers?

Loss of sea ice in the Arctic: Sad testimony of climate change, good news for the economy

Loss of sea ice in the Arctic: Sad testimony of climate change, good news for the economy

How will different rates of sea-level rise determine the future of the Wadden Sea?

How will different rates of sea-level rise determine the future of the Wadden Sea?

Intense rainstorms are moving more slowly, causing more floods

Intense rainstorms are moving more slowly, causing more floods

Adaptation may strongly limit Europe’s economic drought impacts with global warming

Adaptation may strongly limit Europe’s economic drought impacts with global warming

Sandy coastlines worldwide under threat of erosion

Sandy coastlines worldwide under threat of erosion

Is Europe’s infrastructure resilient enough for future rainstorms?

Is Europe’s infrastructure resilient enough for future rainstorms?

19% of the world’s population lives on sinking land

19% of the world’s population lives on sinking land

Fingerprint of climate change in recent European floods

Fingerprint of climate change in recent European floods

Weather conditions for wildfires have changed in Southern Europe

Weather conditions for wildfires have changed in Southern Europe

A European perspective on recent floods – Opinion

A European perspective on recent floods – Opinion

Sea-level rise determines the future of our deltas

Sea-level rise determines the future of our deltas

Drought and heatwave crop losses in Europe tripled over the last five decades

Drought and heatwave crop losses in Europe tripled over the last five decades

In a changing climate, the 100-year flood event is a misleading concept

In a changing climate, the 100-year flood event is a misleading concept

Extreme drought threatens the lives of millions of Afghans

Extreme drought threatens the lives of millions of Afghans

Climate change already increases the number of rockfalls in the Alps

Climate change already increases the number of rockfalls in the Alps

The benefits and price tag of greening European cities

The benefits and price tag of greening European cities

Heat-related mortality is on the rise in Europe, while cold-related mortality is falling

Heat-related mortality is on the rise in Europe, while cold-related mortality is falling

More and more people die from heat, fewer and fewer from cold spells

More and more people die from heat, fewer and fewer from cold spells