Free download: New book on Disaster Risk Management natural catastrophes in Europe
November 22, 2016

As natural catastrophes, such as floods, heat waves or wildfires, are expected to become more frequent and intense in the future, mitigating their impacts through working partnerships and the dissemination of risk information is vital. This is the message highlighted by an EU-funded research project ENHANCE in a newly published book ‘Novel Multi-Sector Partnerships in Disaster Risk Management – Results of the ENHANCE project’.
The book presents the final outcomes of the 4-year project, the core objective of which was to develop novel ways to enhance society’s resilience to natural disasters by focusing on 10 case studies that span the European continent and address a diverse range of risks and hazards, including floods, droughts, heat waves, alpine hazards, volcanic eruptions and forest fires. ENHANCE was carried out by 24 partners, including academic institutes, governmental sector, private companies and international organisations, from 11 European countries.
The electronic version of the book is publicly available on the ENHANCE project website (click here).