About the infographics

These infographics are based on the information summarized on the ClimateChangePost, a news site that presents the latest news on climate change, vulnerabilities and adaptation with a focus especially on Europe. The information is based on scientific publications in a large number of scientific journals, reports by the IPCC, and many more. An overview of the 39 scientific journals that we follow is presented on our site (click here).

Our infographic presentations summarize the current state of affairs of our knowledge about ‘Europe in a changing climate’ as far as we have been able to assemble from the available information. The presentations are not a personal view of the ClimateChangePost team. They are our summary of scientific results assembled so far. We aim to help those who are searching for a quick, but well-substantiated summary of the impacts of climate change in their country or their field of interest.

The ClimateChangePost, including these presentations, will never be finished, simply because new insights in climate change, vulnerabilities and adaptation strategies will keep on being published in assessment reports, scientific papers and other media. These new insights will be added to our site and to our presentations in the course of time.

We apologize in case we have misinterpreted results or for other possible errors in our presentations. We continue to strive to present accurate and concise scientific information about 'Europe in a changing climate', aimed at a broad target group of users.

The presentations are freely available for your own use. We appreciate a reference to the ClimateChangePost.
